
My experience with blogs

I think it’s grateful to ourselves to write a blog. It’s a experience that make us to remember, to talk about certain things about our life to the others. I don’t know if my writing skills were improved, but, at least, I can maintain them. I mean, when someone writes week after week in blogs, at least you have to learn a little thing about write. It’s pretty cool to know things about others, and to know how much things we can talk about. The way it works sounds cool, maintaining the way it works it’s nice. I would keep it the same way. In fact, I think it make us to know new words and stuff like that. I think that’s very interesting. I think that we talked about a lot of things, but we could write about our favorite authors, or about foods, to describe things. I really don’t know. After all of that I’m kind of out of ideas. I’m not that creative to imagine new topics. So, in a conclusion I would say that was a really nice experience, and I like the way it works, so I would like, to t

Reading! A good hobbie

My favorite hobbie of all time is to read a lot books. I don’t think there’s anything that I like more than that. Most of the days of my life, when I arrive home, I go directly to my room and I just sit in my bed reading for hours. I like to talk a lot about it, about the things I read. I like to talk about the books I have read. It’s my favorite subject of all time. I always do it on home, but also in the subway or in the bus. I also like to read in libraries, but that is something more difficult. I prefer to do it alone. It’s the thing I like the most: reading alone in bed. But I also like to talk about it with friends. We discuss about why Auster is a good author or why Bolaño’s work is one of the best ever written. Those things are what make the hobbie beautiful: enjoy the good conversation that one can have with the writer, with his book, and with our friends. Those two things together are totally the best. The knowledge, the things that one can learn, all of that, of course,

My favorite subject: Advanced reporting

One of the things that I like the most is to write, and the only place where I can do that on this university is in there, in advanced reporting. There, we usually write about a lot of things, we made chronicles, investigations and notes about a lot of things. In class we write, we discuss about what are we going to do next. The best thing of that is the fact that we learn a lot of things, of how to write and how to approach to the things that we talk about. I think the teacher help us to be better writers, but most of all, better persons. The contents are how to realize interviews, how to get close to certain things and talk about them. We talk about how to build a good article, a good work. The teacher gives us advices to improve our job, our life, all, of course, related to journalism. I really like it because it’s the thing that I like the most, and also the thing that help us the most to improve, and to be someone that I want in the future.

Rise Against: the band that changed my life

I always felt that Rise Against was the band that I loved the most. And I still do. I always felt a connection with their lyrics. Most of them talk about politics and social problems. But they're also got a lot of songs about love, about feelings and about some other things. That's mostly the reason I love them: they talk about a lot of ideas, subjects and themes. My favorite song of all time is Satellite, from them. The song talks about what we have to give to live (a real life, worth living). I always hear them, in any mood. I feel like they know what they're talking about and I really enjoy that. I think that will be the band that i would like my whole life. Or, at least, I hope that. The meaning of the band has to deal of the first time that I heard them. I was young and, with Rise Against, I found a way of understanding life, a new perspective of it.

The power of literature in one person

Roberto Bolaño is a chilean writer that, in his time, told a billion of histories of the realities that he saw around Mexico, Spain and Chile, his homeland. He was born in Santiago de Chile, in 1953, and he died the 15 of July in 2003, in Blanes, Spain. He had two children: Lautaro and Alexandra. He wrote a lot of works, and a lot of them were published posthumously, like his biggest novel, 2666.  Most of his work was written in Spain, Blanes, a little city near Barcelona. Examples of that are The savage detectives, the Nazi Literature in the Americas or Distant Star. He won a lot of prizes for his work. I like him because he writes about the realities of the people he met, and the places where he lived. He was also some kind of journalist. He constantly wrote articles and about the news he saw. But he wasn't the current idea of what we have of journalist: he lived, he saw some things that he wanted to write about, to talk about realities that, in other times, has been unse

A picture from years ago

This picture have a lot of background to understand it. First of all, it means more that just a middle finger random picture. It was taken when I thought that anarchism was the politican ideal that I would follow my entire life. That day, I had to dance tango for the school. In the picture, I wear a suit that doesn't fit me well, but I didn't care. And I was talking to my best friend of those days, that is my friend with a colombian costume. It was taken by the person that I liked for like three or more years, that, also, had to dance Tango. But not with me. She saw us arguing about something that I can't remember, but I know it has to deal with our discussions about anarchism or socialism, if my memory does not fail me. It was taken outside our classroom, when we were preparing to go down to the yard to dance.  It has a really deep meaning to me, because, on that time, I didn't realize how happy I was, how meaningful those persons would become on the next years, and r

Apocalypse Now

My favorite movie has been, always, Memento, from Christopher Nolan. Until I saw Apocalypse Now , from Francis Ford Coppola , the director of The Godfather, my third favorite movie. It was released on 1979, so I wasn't on this planet yet. It counts the story of how a captain, named Benjamin G. Willard, must stop a coronel that has driven mad, played by Marlon Brando, who thinks is a demigod. Everything takes part in the context of the war of Vietnam, in 1969. It's an epic war film but has some of the best scenes ever seen in movies and can count like a psychological thriller.  The protagonist is played by Martin Sheen, and Marlon Brando is the mad coronel. But there's other actors like Robert Duvall or Albert Hall with some serious roles on the movie.  I saw it in the last vacations, when, usually, I'm tired of everything and I just want to see some movies.  It must be my favorite, right now, because of the script and the images and some of the most epic scenes