
Showing posts from May, 2018

Apocalypse Now

My favorite movie has been, always, Memento, from Christopher Nolan. Until I saw Apocalypse Now , from Francis Ford Coppola , the director of The Godfather, my third favorite movie. It was released on 1979, so I wasn't on this planet yet. It counts the story of how a captain, named Benjamin G. Willard, must stop a coronel that has driven mad, played by Marlon Brando, who thinks is a demigod. Everything takes part in the context of the war of Vietnam, in 1969. It's an epic war film but has some of the best scenes ever seen in movies and can count like a psychological thriller.  The protagonist is played by Martin Sheen, and Marlon Brando is the mad coronel. But there's other actors like Robert Duvall or Albert Hall with some serious roles on the movie.  I saw it in the last vacations, when, usually, I'm tired of everything and I just want to see some movies.  It must be my favorite, right now, because of the script and the images and some of the most epic scenes